
奇しくも私のそれは左鉤突きから始まった それとはつまりー

少女終末旅行をGW中に読め You must read Girls' Last Tour.




全6巻で完結してるおすすめ作品だ 俺はこの作品で泣いたし今読んでも泣く それはそれとして終末世界の描写がとても好きなのでそういう風にも楽しめる 

どんな作品? タイトル通りだ 少女二人が終末世界をあてもなく旅してる 過去の遺物に思いを馳せながら時折哲学的な内容にもなる 描かれる終末世界の建造物は大規模でロマン溢れるし広い世界に二人きりというのは切なさがある 先の見えない世界で一抹の希望を胸に二人の何気ないやりとりに心動かされる そんな日常でありながら非日常の作品だ 正直ジャンル分けするのは難しい がアニメで見たやつも漫画で最後まで読んだ方がいいのは間違いない

この作品は唯一無二の読後感を味わえるし終わった後の喪失感がものすごくて俺は2日引きずったので連休中に読んだ方がいい そうして読み終わったら作者のあげてるイラストで癒されろ お前はまだこれからも辛く厳しく時折優しい現実世界を生き抜かねばならない

少女終末旅行 - つくみず / 01 星空 | くらげバンチ

𓆟 on Twitter: "https://t.co/UolFh5nf9i" / Twitter

until:2018-04-30 検索窓でここら辺の時期に絞り込むといっぱい出てくる


 This manga series consists of 6 volumes and is my favorite one. I cried when I read it and I will cry if I read it again. Also, post-apocalyptic world description is good and enjoyable. 
 What's Girls' Last Tour about? It is like title meaning. Only two girls are traveling in the post-apocalyptic world aimlessly. Sometimes they think of the past world, sometimes they talk about a philosophical question. The post-apocalyptic world's buildings in description are so big and romantic, and I feel sad inside about it world because the girls are alone. Their casual conversations with a little hope in no future's world made my heart move. It has elements of the everyday and the extraordinary. Honestly, it's difficult to categorize it. However if you have watched it in animation, you should read it in manga all the way through. 

 Finally, this one makes you feel the one and only experience after reading. I couldn't forget it for 2 days because it made me feel so sense of loss. So you must read it when you have holidays. And when you will finish reading it, you'll watch pictures drawn by its author to take comfort from it. You must still live in this real world that it is hard harsh and sometimes gentle until end of the world.


This is a recommended manga that is complete in six volumes. 最初はこっちの方が文意に沿う

Just as the title says. タイトル通り

The structures in apocalyptic world depicted are large and romantic, and there is a sense of sadness in being alone in a large world. 

classify by genre ジャンル分け

if〜,you should は結構便利

You must read it when you can take a vacation. 休み取れる時に読めよ



post-apocalyptic world...(文明崩壊後の)終末世界

Just as the title says...タイトル通り


feel sad inside...(心の中で,締め付けられるような)悲しみ=切なさ


alone...we are alone.で二人っきりとかの意味でも使える

classify by genre...ジャンル分け

all the way through...(最初から)最後まで

one and only...唯一無二

experience after reading...読後感

take comfort from...〜から癒し、慰めを得る