
奇しくも私のそれは左鉤突きから始まった それとはつまりー

四畳半神話大系をもう一度見たい I want to watch The Tatami Galaxy again.










俺は四畳半神話大系が好きだし四畳半タイムマシンブルースも好きだ まだ見たことのないやつは今すぐ見てこい もしお前が学生なら京大が第一志望になることは間違いない 俺はいわゆる頭がいいはずなのに変なことやってるやつやどこかズレてる奴が大好きなのでこの作品は当然ハマった 私の腐れ大学生っぷりや明石さんのミステリアス天然純情っぷりやこんな先輩いたらいいなランキング1位の樋口師匠やちょっと性癖を破壊しにきてる羽貫さんや他人の不幸で飯三杯食える小津+変態ナルシスト城ヶ崎など魅力的なメンツに俺はやられたしなんだか無性にエモーショナルな気持ちになった こういう日々がなんだかんだで一番良いよねと思うと同時にもう戻ってこない学生時代を想い切なくなった モラトリアムよ永遠なれ

俺はこの作品をネット・フリックスで見たがいつのまにか配信が終わってた いまやネットフ・リックスもアマゾンプ・ライムも不甲斐がないので見れなくなってしまった 俺はベゾスが真の男だと信じてるのでアマプラで復活を待っている ヤツの財布を潤すために最近はデカい買い物もよくしているのでもう暫くの辛抱だ それでもダメなら俺はベゾスに直談判するしお前は今すぐ猫で出汁をとった猫ラーメンを啜らねばならない


 I like The Tatami Galaxy and The Tatami Time Machine Blues. If you haven't watched it yet, you should watch it right now. If you are a student, you will aim for Kyoto University. I like characters that are wise but doing strange things, so I'm into it. "Me" is an unmotivated shy college student, Akashi-san is a mysterious-nature-pure of heart girl, "Master Higuchi" is the best eighth-year super senior in college, Hanuki-san destroys my sexual kink, and Ozu is a man who can eat three cups of rice on someone's misfortune,(+ Jōgasaki is perverted narcissist), all of characters are attractive. I felt irresistibly emotional. I thought that these days were the best days of my life, and at the same time, I felt sad thinking about my student days that will never come back. Moratorium, be forever.

 I watched it on Netflix, but its distribution period finished before I knew it. Now that I can’t watch it whatever I do, because Netflix and Amazon Prime Video are unworthy. I believe that Jeff Bezos is the true man, so I hope that I can watch it on Amazon Prime Video. I think we have a little more patience, because recently I have bought something that is a little riche to pad his wallet. If that's doesn't work, I will call Jeff Bezos and you must eat a Neko-ramen.



I love so-called smart people who are supposed to be smart but are doing weird things and are somewhat off, so naturally I was into this piece. 文意通りの場合

Before I knew it, the distribution period for that piece had ended. こっちの方が自然



so called...いわゆる


at the some time...同時に


sexual kink...性癖

before I knew it...気がつけば、いつのまに

now that...いまや〜

whatever I do...何をしても


we have a little more patience...もう少しの辛抱

to pad one's wallet...〜の財布を潤す

If that doesn't work...それでもダメなら