
奇しくも私のそれは左鉤突きから始まった それとはつまりー

俺はスプラの新シーズンを堪能する I enjoyed new season of Splatoon.




新シーズン御開幕だ 俺はハイラルから戻ってきた ニンテンドーは危険な企業なので急に情報量で殴ってくる 俺は新武器に触れたり新ステをやってみたりした Sブラストは感覚がバグるしコンブは懐かしい あと新曲が大変良い カタログも和装な羽織があって嬉しかった エモートもクールだ S+9で前期を終えてたのでまたSからやり直しになった これは悲しい あとアミーボも買った ジュウドウギが気になったからだ

俺は当然サーモンランの新ステージもやった すじこジャンクション跡 略称はすじこだ 俺はすじこは食えない とりあえず伝説490までやったが思ったより難しかった 全体的に塗りたい壁が多く左右を切り替えながら戦うのが楽しいステージだ 良ステであることは間違いない 干潮は遠くて広く通常は視認性のいいダムっぽさがあり満潮はマジで狭い ヘビもカタパもテッパンも凶悪カーニバルだ 左右からシャケが進行してくるので役割分担も重要になるし頭がとれる まだ定石のない新ステだからこそのわちゃわちゃ感が非常に楽しかった 貴様も今すぐスプラをやれ



New season is coming here! I returned from Hyrule. Nintendo is a dangerous company that suddenly smashes me with huge amounts of information. I used new weapons and played new stages. S-BLAST made my sense confuse and Humpback Pump Track made me feel nostalgic. And new music was so good. In addition, I was glad that there’s the Haori in the catalogue. Also new emote was cool. I finished pre-season with my rank was S+9, so I was forced to start at S. It’s sad. I bought an amiibo. It’s good.

Of course, I played Salmon Run’s new stage. Jammin' Salmon Junction. Japanese name is Sujiko Jankushon Ato. For now, I had played it until Eggsecutive VP490. It was more difficult than I thought it. This stage has walls that we will want to paint and is exciting that we can fight while moving left and right scaffolds. It’s the absolutely good stage.

The low tide is far and wide, the mid tide has Spawning Grounds-like appearance with good visibility, and the high tide is so narrow. It’s Chaos Carnival by Flyfish and Steel Eel. The Salmonids progresses from both sides, so the division of our roles is also important. The sense of exploration was very enjoyable because it was a new stage with no set the strategy yet. You must play Splatoon right now.


New season is here で十分

Overall, there are many walls to be able to paint, and the stage is fun to fight while moving from side to side scaffolding. 周りくどい感



For now…とりあえず

