
奇しくも私のそれは左鉤突きから始まった それとはつまりー

運動会を見ろ You must watch the school sports day.




俺は運動会を見に行った 参加するわけじゃないし不審者でもない 学校は危険な場所なので気を抜くとノスタルジーで殺しにかかってくる 懐かしすぎる 俺はキッズの頃は運動会が好きじゃなかったが真の男になった今では見てるだけでなんか情緒がバグって泣く 運動会で泣いてるおっさんの気持ちがわかった 運動会は当然令和最新版なので水分補給のアナウンスが適宜入ったり昔懐かしの謎の儀式がなくなってたりする 俺が一番驚いたのはお片付け競争の存在だ こいつは大変よくできていて玉入れの玉を早く片付けた方の勝ちになる 時短と教員の手間をスマートな形で解決しててよかった あとは爆音音楽の存在だ 俺は曲に疎いのでこういうところで流行りを知る 選曲センスが絶妙だ

俺は色々見て感激してたがその中でも騎馬戦がやばかった ハッキリ言って騎馬戦はめちゃくちゃアツい 総力戦も凄かったが特に2戦目の一騎討ちがやばい こいつは柔道の団体勝ち抜きみたいなもので狭い円の中での一騎討ちだ 勝てば次のやつと連続で戦うことになるし最後が大将騎だ 赤組の先鋒は真の男なのでマジで強かった 一騎で全員ぶちのめし白組の大将騎を引き出す この時点で会場のボルテージはマックスだ そこから白組が大将として格の違いを見せつける こっちも真の男なので全員ぶちのめす 赤組の大将騎の出陣だ 大将と大将の一騎討ち 大将の大将たる所以 赫赫たる陽の下の日の本一の戦い もう会場の人間は暑さと興奮で死にかけている 俺は感極まって泣く その決着は...会場で見届けろ 間違いなく今日一の拍手と声援だったことは言っておく 俺は赤組の先鋒を無条件で尊敬する あいつは作戦もうまかったが何より帽子をとった後に投げ捨てるのが武者そのもので良かった 球場のヤジ並みに叫んでる親父がいたがあいつはちょっと怖かった

他にも俺は玉入れの踊ってから投げるフォーマットの変わらなさに驚いたりこけて骨折したやつに同情したり色別対抗リレーのフィナーレ感にセンチメンタルになったりした 貴様も今すぐ運動会を見に行け

可愛くてごめん feat. ちゅーたん(CV:早見沙織)/HoneyWorks - YouTube

星野源 – 異世界混合大舞踏会 (feat. おばけ) [Official Video] - YouTube

ポケモンSV BGM ジムリーダー ラスト テラスタル - YouTube




I went to the school sports day and watched it. I wasn’t a participant and a suspicious person. The school is dangerous place that tries to kill me with nostalgia if I’m not careful. This was too nostalgic. I didn’t like the school sports day when I was a kid, but, now I became the true man, I cried just looking at it. I can understand an older guy who cry that watches it.

Of course, the sports day is Reiwa latest version, so there was an announcement of hydration and wasn’t nostalgic mystery rituals. I was most surprised that existence of tidying up competition. This rule is thing that the team that tidy up the balls first wins. This system is very well thought and can decrease a teacher burden and cleanup time. Also the existence of loud music is nostalgic. I’m not up on the latest music and I get knowledge of it where looks like it. Teacher taste in music selection is exquisite.

I was impressed various events, but  the mock cavalry battle was awesome among them. Honestly, the mock cavalry battle is so exciting. The total war was awesome but the single combat was even better. The winner must fight the next opponent in succession. The general is the last one waiting in the wings. The spearhead in the red team is the true guy, so he was really strong. He single-handedly beat them all and dragged out the white team general. At this time, the audience’s voltage was already max up. From there, the white team will show on their difference as the general. This one is the true guy, too, so he beats them all. And the general of the red team is about to go into the battle.

The single combat between the general and the general. The reason why the general is the general. The most intense battle of the day under the glorious sun. The people in the hall are already dying from the heat and excitement. I was so moved that I cried. Watch how the battle is settled at the venue. I must say that the applause and cheers were definitely the best of the day. I respect the spearhead of red team unconditionally. Because he was so cool that his appearance of throwing away the hat he took like the warrior. There was an older guy shouting something, but that guy was a bit scary.

You must watch and go to the school sports day.


I never liked school sports day when I was a kid, but now that I'm the true guy, just watching them makes me emotionally crazy and makes me cry. より文意通り now that 使えると便利



Sports day…運動会

Suspicious person…不審者

If I’m not careful…気を抜くと

Latest version…最新版


Tidy up…お片付け


Up on…知識が最新の水準にあるさま


Among them…その中で

Mock cavalry battle…(模擬的な)騎馬戦

Single combat…一騎討ち

In the wings…出番を待つ、待機して


