
奇しくも私のそれは左鉤突きから始まった それとはつまりー

マリオの映画は全年齢楽しめるスーパーフルコンタクト映画  The Super Mario Bros. Movie is a perfect film adaptation of the game.




俺はマリオの映画をみた 一言で言おう 最高だった 気になってるやつは今すぐ見てこい 

俺は今までもゲーム原作の映画は何本か見てきた ソニックは凄い面白かったしモンハンも悪くはなかった アサシンクリードは割とガッカリしたがそれでもゲームのストーリーと世界観の魅力を維持しながら映画に落とし込むのは難しいのだなと感じた それをマリオの映画は完璧にやってのけたのだ

俺は石油王なので一番でかい画面でみた しかも3Dだ 目の前にマリオがいる 俺は、最後に3Dでみたのはトイストーリー3だったので3D技術の進歩にまず驚かされた 俺は入場者特典も貰った こいつは家に帰るまでのお楽しみなのでまだ開けていない


だがこれだけは言える 原作を知ってても知ってなくても楽しめる そもそも知ってるやつが多すぎる それでもやっぱり小ネタがめちゃくちゃあり世界観がとても作り込まれているのでゲームをプレイしたことあるやつの方がより楽しめるのは間違いない 全編通して退屈なシーンがひとつもなくマジで気づいたら終わっているので気をつけろ ふーんここらでラストバトルでしょ なんて考えてる暇はない 強烈に作り込まれた世界観とあの頃夢見たゲームの世界を味わってるうちに終わっている あとゲームの世界とキャラを映像に落とし込む解釈が凄すぎて俺はびびった ニンテンドーはバケモンだ ピーチやクッパの解像度が一気にあがったしマリオカートやDKを完璧に映像化した作品と言える それだけでも見て良かったと思った

俺は吹替版で見たがとても役に合っていて違和感なく見れた それでも2回目が見たいので次は字幕で見る 久しぶりに両方で見てみたいと思った良作だ 

あとこれは義務教育段階で学ぶことだがエンドロールが終わるまでは絶対に帰るな 例によってちゃんと映像が流れる 

最後になるがこの映画はリアルタイムで語りたいポイントが多すぎるしワンシーンで流すには惜しいほど細部まで作り込まれている危険な映画だ イマジナリーでもいいから友達を用意しておけ 




I watched "The Super Mario Bros. Movie". In a nutshell, it's very interesting. If you're curious it, you must watch it right now.

 I have watched some movies that based on games until now. "Sonic The Hedgehog" was interesting, "Monster Hunter" was not bad and "Assassin's Creed" relatively disappointed me. I learned that it's so difficult to create a movie that based on game with interesting. However, Mario's movie did it perfectly.

 I'm oil king, so I watched it on big screen. Besides, it's 3D version. There's Mario in front of me. What I had watched last 3D movie is "Toy Story 3", so I'm amazed by progress of 3D technology. Also, I got an attendant's benefit. It's fun on the way home. 
 What's this movie about? I won't write it here because it would be spoiler if I mention it and I recommend that you should watch without pre-knowledge. However, I can only say this. You will be enjoying it whether you know about Mario or not. Anyway, a lot of people know about it. But even so, there is no doubt that if you know the original game, you'll enjoy that movie more. Because there's a lot of Easter eggs and good world view in this one. This one is always interesting, so you must be careful to forget time flow. You have no time that you think it like "Hmmm, I guess this is the last battle around here". This one is over while you're saving the intensely crafted world and the game world you dreamed of back then. In addition, the interpretation of the game world and characters putting in the video was so awesome that I was surprised. Nintendo is incredible. I can better understand for Bowser and Princess Peach. For the reason alone, I'm glad I watched it. 
 I watched the dubbed version today, I was satisfied with it because voice actors fit roles. Next, I wil watch the subbed version. 
 In addition, this is compulsory education, but I dare say that Never leave your seat until the end roll is over. You can watch short movie as usual. 
 Finally, this is a dangerous movie with too many points to want to talk about in always. Get a friend, even an imaginary one. 
 You must watch the Mario and Luigi movie, right now. 



I felt that it is difficult to maintain the charm of the game's story and worldview while incorporating them into a film. 完璧に和文英訳するならこっち

As for the story, I won't write it here because it would be a spoiler if I mention it and I think it's best to watch it with as few preconceptions as possible. これも

There is not a single boring scene in the entire film, and you will seriously notice that the film is over, so be careful. 忠実な和文英訳ver.

I have a better understanding of their characters.キャラへの理解が深まった


In a nutshell...一言で言えば

until now...今まで



min front of me...目の前


whether you know about it or not...知ってても知ってなくても

but even so...しかし、それでも

there is no doubt that...間違いないだろう

easter eggs...(隠された)小ネタ

around here...ここら

be over...終わり


back then...あの頃、その時

for the reason alone...それだけでも

subbed movie...字幕版
dubbed movie...吹替版

compulsory education...義務教育


leave your seat...離席