
奇しくも私のそれは左鉤突きから始まった それとはつまりー

スプラのフェスをやってた The Splatoon x The Legend of Zelda Splatfest has begun!




俺はスプラのフェスをやってた えいえんまでやった 100倍マッチに勝って写真も撮った 俺は真の男なので今回は力派を選んだ ガノンおじさんがカッコよかったのもある 俺はサーモンランしか普段やらないのでフェスはイカタコを撃てるのが新鮮で楽しかった 明日のトリカラも専用ステージなので楽しみだ 俺はスプラで闘争本能がマックスになったので喧嘩商売も読んだ 橋口はやっぱり良いキャラしてるしサーモン森が記憶よりも強くて驚いた やるべきタスクがこっちを見ているので目を背けつつ〆る

あとケーキも食った 2個食った うまかった


 I played Splatfest. I had played it until the Ruler. I won a 100x Battle and I took a picture of my team. I'm the man, so I chose the Power team. Also, the reason why new Ganondorf's visual is cool. I enjoyed shooting squid and octopus, it was fresh and fun. Because I usually play the Salmon Run. I'm looking forward to playing Tricolor Turf War with Zelda collaboration. 
My fighting tension was maxed out after playing Splatfest, so I read Kenka Shobai. Hashiguchi is good character and Salmon Mori is stronger than my memory. Task to do today is looking at me, so I'm finishing this work. 

 P.S. I ate a cake. I ate two cakes. It was delicious. 



 I usually only play Salmon Run so the festival was fresh and fun to be able to shoot squid and octopus. I'm also looking forward to tomorrow's Tricoler since it's a dedicated stage. 文章の順番と一文の長さ考慮で文意通り

 Hashiguchi is still a good character and I was surprised that Salmon Mori was stronger than I remembered.   橋口とサーモン森のところ

Splatfest - Inkipedia, the Splatoon wiki







fighting instincts...闘争本能

maxed out...限界に達する