
奇しくも私のそれは左鉤突きから始まった それとはつまりー

俺は本誌勢だが呪術廻戦23巻を買った I bought JJK volume 23.





俺は呪術廻戦23巻を買った 今回もおまけページと書き下ろしが多くて良かった 俺はジャンプ本誌勢なので話自体はもう知っている ので書き下ろしの感想だけ書いておく 一応収録話はホワイトハウスin羂索-絶賛外患誘致編- と羂索vsお兄ちゃん+九十九だ 修正箇所は総監部と羂索の交渉日ぐらいだろう アニメに全面協力して多忙を極めてる猫先生なのでこのぐらいのミスは無問題だ

監修してもらったよ〜①   米軍展開の裏話だ めちゃくちゃ楽しんで描いてたのが伝わってくる 呪術規定の時も思ったがこだわりたいオタク仕草が好きすぎる 海外の呪術事情にそこまで風呂敷広げるつもりもない+通常兵器vs呪術のエキシビションは最低限やっとくか程度のノリだった まぁそうだろうなという感じだ 次巻にまたがる内容だが描きたいラインは充分描けてたし現代兵器に対しての各キャラの強さも納得だった 黄櫨やっぱ強いよね

監修してもらったよ〜②   日付変更の裏話だ ミス自体は単純だが監修つけた時の話作りの工程が面白い 連絡期間考えると余裕もって書き溜めてはいるのか...?

監修してもらったよ〜③   アシさん含めお疲れ様です... 薨星宮とかここ最近もだが背景の作画コストすごいので大変そうだ

監修してもらったよ〜④   草

監修してもらったよ〜⑤   草

vs羂索の舞台裏イラスト 九十九さんやっぱおもしれー女 メインはシリアスなので温度感バグる

人間時代の天元イラスト 天元の素顔!!!!!これが一番ビビった 女だとは分かってたけどさぁ 正直めちゃんこ性癖だ ダウナーな長髪ボサボサ気だるげ美女 属性過多がすぎる 単眼猫はシャイなので真っ当な女キャラを中々描かないがやればできる子だ これ羂索の性別がどっちでも関係性が美味しすぎる

大体こんな具合だ お前も今すぐ23巻を買ってアニメ2期に備えろ



I bought JJK volume 23. Again, It’s good that there were a lot of extra pages and a lot of new writing. Already, I know about this volume’s story, because I read WJ once. So I will be writing my impressions about new writing. In case you're interested, the stories included are Kenjaku in White House, instigation of foreign aggression, and Kenjaku vs big brother and Tsukumo-san. The only corrections would be the notation of Inspector General and Kenjaku’s negotiation date. Since Cyclops Cat is extremely busy with his full cooperation on the animation, a mistake of this magnitude is no problem.

I had my work supervised!①. It's the backstory of depict of the U.S. Army. I can get that he had a lot of fun creating it. I thought the same thing at the time of the Jujutsu stipulation, but I think his nerdiness commitment is amazing. He wrote that He didn't intend to spread the story in the overseas Jujutsu situation & he was just trying to draw at least an exhibition of conventional weapons vs Jujutsu. Well, I guess so. Although the content of the story extends into the next volume, the story he wanted to tell was well told, and the strength of each character against modern weapons was convincing. Hazenoki is really strong, isn't he?

I had my work supervised!②. This is the story behind the date change. The mistake itself is simple, but the process of making the story when supervised is interesting. Considering the time it took to contact the supervisor, he apparently draws his manga with plenty of time to spare.

I had my work supervised!③. I'd like to thank his assistant for his hard work as well. It seems like a lot of work as the backgrounds are amazingly descriptive these days.

I had my work supervised!④. lol.

I had my work supervised!⑤. lol.

Behind-the-scenes illustration of vs Kenjaku. Tsukumo-san is really an interesting woman.

Illustration of Tengen as a human being. Tengen's true face!!!!! This is the one that amazed me the most. I knew about her gender. To be honest, she is a visual that I like a lot. Downer, long, shaggy-haired, languidly beautiful woman. Attributes are excessive. Cyclops Cat is shy guy and don't often draw straight female characters, but he is a can-do guy.

That's pretty much it. You, too, must buy volume 23 right now and prepare for the second anime season.






Instigation of foreign aggression…外患誘致

This magnitude…この程度、この規模



Can-do kid…やればできる子