
奇しくも私のそれは左鉤突きから始まった それとはつまりー

俺は今週の呪術廻戦を読んで漫画のうまさに感心する JJK of this week is awesome.





俺は今週も呪術廻戦を読む ハッキリ言って今週はめちゃくちゃやばい お前らが想像してる5倍はやばい 先に言っておくが俺は五条悟はまだ死んでないしこっからやれると思ってる なぜならあいつは真の男で最強だからだ 9巻のセリフは忘れろ 首チョンパされても五条悟は大丈夫になった 俺の宇宙ではそうなってる 実際反転でまだやれると思う 領域内にいる? そんなことは気にするな マジでなんとかなる 多分 絶対 来週が休載じゃなくてほんとに良かった 俺はここで2週空いたら間違いなく狂ってた 

今週は一言で言うならば閉じない領域と閉じる領域 押し合いでどっちが勝つの? 五条悟と宿儺の領域の押し合いはどっちが勝つの? に対する真摯な解答回だ 思いっきり二言以上だ 単眼猫はハッキリ言って漫画がめちゃくちゃうまい 今週の構成はうますぎてビビる 縦割りの呪術考察から始まって各キャラのセリフで話を回しつつ領域の考察 そしてまさしくどうなるのか 最強と最強の領域の押し合い 閉じない領域の優位性 マジでここがうまい これまでに出してた情報の手札から予測しようと思えばできたのに全くできなかった 流石作者だ 真人戦決着のケイテイ拳の時も思ったがいつから考えてたんだ? いや最近だと契闊もビビったが とにかく領域展開の練度においては互角って前提が崩れなかった上で決着がついたことに感心した あと隠れがちだが日車の天才っぷりもすごい 展延に対して感覚的に理解できるってお前???? とにかく前半を読んで滝のような情報量に押し流されてたが後半で全てが吹き飛んだ 俺は今から新宿に行って五条悟に加勢する お前も今すぐ閉じない領域を習得しろ



I read JJK of this week as usual. Honestly, this chapter is fuckin’awesome. It is 5x more awesome than your expectations. At first, I will say that I think Gojo isn’t dead and he can still fight. The reason that he is the true guy and the strongest.

You should forget the dialogue of 9 volumes. He became fine even if his neck was sliced. It is like that in my universe. I think he can still fight if he uses the Reverse Cursed Technique. He’s on the domain, isn’t he? You don’t care about it. Seriously, He can handle it. Maybe. Absolutely. I think that It’s really good that I can read next episode in next week. I would have definitely gone crazy if I had to wait two weeks from the end of this episode.

This episode, In a nutshell, is Closed Domain vs Open Domain. Which will win in the push? Who will win, Gojo’s Domain or Sukuna’s Domain? This episode is sincere answer to these questions. It's clearly more than two words. To be clear, Manga that Cyclops Cat is too good. I was amazed by goodness of this episode. Starting with a discussion of Cursed Technique in vertically divided panels, the discussion of the Domain while turning the story around with each character's lines. And exactly what happens? The Domain Battle between the strongest. The superiority of the Domain that does not close. This is really good.

I could expect this result if I tried to expect it with information to date, but I couldn’t expect it completely. It is a quintessential author. Anyway, I was impressed that the settlement of the battle was based on the premise that both the strongest were evenly matched in terms of Domain Expansion. And, also Higuruma‘s genius was very well. He is possible to understand the Domain Amplification in a sensible way. Are you seriously?

Anyway, I read the first half and was swept away by the waterfall of information, but the second half blew my knowledge all away. I'm going to Shinjuku now to join Satoru Gojo. You, too right now, must master the Domain Expansion that isn’t closed.



He became ok 大丈夫になった

That's how it works in my universe. 俺の宇宙では 

I’m going to Shinjuku now to back Gojo’s fight up. 五条に加勢 どっちもこう言う感じでも良いかもね程度




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