
奇しくも私のそれは左鉤突きから始まった それとはつまりー

俺は今週の呪術廻戦を読んだ I read JJK in this week.





俺は今日も呪術から読む 五条と宿儺 両者初めて全力を出せる相手だからこその規模のデカすぎるウォーミングアップ回で大変良かった ハッキリ言って体術メインのぶん殴り合いでビル一棟更地にしてるの頭がおかしい この漫画は強い奴は全員ゴリラだがやっぱり最強連中はゴリラ度合いも最強だ 今週はサカモトもガチアクション回だったのでジャンプが大格闘時代に突入している こっちも激アツだ 新刊表紙の京もかっちょいい


セリフ回しやっぱうめぇわ 宿儺と五条の最強同士の殺し合い前提の軽口いいよね ビル落下シーンはサカモトの影響受けてそうだな〜ってなった あと領域展延 五条の無下限バリアに対して領域展開と摩虎羅の適応ぐらいしか対処できなそうだと思ってたがこいつがあった すっかり抜けてた 遠距離技全部バリアで防げるのでやっぱチートだ 次号休載だ ...次号休載だ 俺は辛い耐えられない もっと2人に街をぶっ壊してほしいし心ゆくまで戦ってほしい 今すぐ貴様もジャンプを買え



I read JJK at first as usual. Gojo and Sukuna, they found existence with whom they could give their all for the first time. Their over large scale warm-up speak itself. It’s insane that they smashed the building by mainly body arts fight.

All strong characters in this manga have perfect physical like gorilla. However and naturally, the two strongest guys have the strongest physical. Also Sakamoto Days is episode of perfect action in this week. So Weekly Shonen Jump will begin the great fighting era.

Below this sentence is a collection of short impressions in this episode.

As I thought the sense of dialogue is amazing. I really like that the their casual conversation based on killing each other. I guess that the fighting description inside the falling building may be based on Sakamoto Days. And about Domain Amplification.

I thought Sukuna can only deal with Gojo’s Infinity Barrier with his Domain Expansion and the adaptation of Mahoraga, but there’s it. I completely forgot about it. Gojo is so cheating guy that he can protect himself with his barrier from long-range attacks.

Next issue will be on hiatus. …Next issue will be on hiatus. It’s too hard for me, I can’t stand it. I want the two of them to destroy the Shinjuku city more and fight to their heart's content. You must buy Jump right now.



The following text is a collection of short impressions. 以下感想のとこ the following text で以下の文

Gojo, which can prevent everything with his barrier, is still the strongest. 五条のバリアのとこ




Body arts…体術


As I thought…やはり

Domain Amplification…領域展延