
奇しくも私のそれは左鉤突きから始まった それとはつまりー

喧嘩商売が面白かった Kenka Shōbai is very interesting !





おそらく大多数の者は最強の格闘技は何かという問いかけで細胞がザワつき筋肉が波打つ 序盤の下ネタで困惑し高野で涙し下ネタで困惑して工藤で気合いを入れ直し下ネタで困惑する 大体そんな流れだ 人間は金剛修行回の戦国時代並みの倫理観に驚かされ文さんの過去で泣くようにできている そんなものだ そして私的ベストバウトの金田対十兵衛で貴様はそのカタルシスに耐えきれず破裂する 運などとは絶対に言わせない 絶対にな 




In the first place, if you haven't read this manga, you have to read it now. 
"What is the strongest martial arts?",this narration made us shake our cell and ripple our muscles. You will be confused by dirty jokes in the first, you will be cried by Takano's episode, you will be confused by dirty jokes, you will be amazed by Kudo's fights,and again you will be confused by dirty jokes. Maybe, story's outline looks like it. Humans are made to be amazed by ethics like Age of Discovery, at episode of learning Kongo and to be cried by the episode of Bun-san's dad. That's how it is.

And finally, Episode of Kaneda vs Jubei, I think it's best fight in this manga, is super-duper entertaining and exciting so you will burst.

Right now, you must read this manga.



have to じゃなくてshould とかmust でいいかもしれんと思ったが、mustが主観的だからこっちか 最後はmust


In the first place/anyway ...そもそも

great majority...大多数

combat sport, fighting sport, martial arts...格闘技

dirty jokes...下ネタ


that is how it is...そんなものだ

right now...今すぐ