
奇しくも私のそれは左鉤突きから始まった それとはつまりー

喧嘩稼業も面白かった Kenka Kagyō is also interesting





商売の頃に比べて下ネタギャグはなりを顰めて終始真面目に展開されていくので正直読みやすい こう言って貴様は気になって読むだろう 多分石橋で気絶する あいつをコンプラ違反にならずに説明することは不可能だ だが一つだけ言えることがある それはあいつはただの変態などでは決してなく東洋のフランケンシュタインであることだ 強く頭がきれ、十兵衛の喧嘩に対応するだけのガッツがある 英語も喋れる 羨ましい 陰陽トーナメントは終始ベストバウトなので担架を用意して読め 梶原さんを舐めてた人間は初戦で失神するし佐川兄弟は終始怖くて失禁する そして...これ以上は言えないが13巻まで読めば貴様は休載している事実に恐れ慄きぶっ倒れる



In the first place, if you haven't read this manga, you must read it right now.

Honestly, this manga is easier to read than previous one, because dirty jokes is nothing. Hearing that, you will be curious and read it. Perhaps, episode of Ishibashi makes you pass out. It is impossible to describe that guy without using naughty words. However, I can say only one thing. That is thing that he isn't ever just pervert but is "Oriental Frankenstein". He has strong body and wise brain. Not only that, he also has guts to fight Jubei. Moreover, he can speak English. I'm jealous. Ing Yang tournament arc is interesting and exciting from beginning to end. So you have to read it with a stretcher ready. If you make light of Kajiwara-san, you will faint at reading first fight. And you will shit yourself because you get scared of Sagawa brothers. 
Finally, I can't say more, if you read until 13 volumes, you won't be able to bear the fact that it's on hiatus and you will pass out.



One thing I can say for sure is that ...でいいかも

Until じゃなくて up to 

Read up to 13 volumes.


previous one...前作

pass out, faint...気絶する

naughty words...イケナイ言葉



not only that...それだけでなく



from beginning to end...終始

make light of...〜を舐める(下に見る)

shit oneself...恐怖で漏らす

up to...〜まで

be on hiatus...休載中