
奇しくも私のそれは左鉤突きから始まった それとはつまりー

ふらいんぐうぃっちを読め You must read Flying Witch.




俺のお気に入り漫画だ この漫画は平和なのでマジで良いやつしかでてこないし子供が読んでも安心安全すぎるほどの健全図書だ そして青森への愛に溢れている

内容 現代に生きる魔女を描いた日常ものだ

バトルなどといった野蛮な行為はしない 良いやつらが幸せな日常でありながら魔法の絡む非日常の日々を送ってるその姿を見るだけで俺の心は癒されるしなんか泣く




椎名杏子は青森から横浜の学校に通ってる平和な魔女だ 家系が特別なので異空間を使って登校できるし霊を見ることもできる 俺はコンクルシオ周りが大変好きなので岡田殿回収回でテンションがぶち上がったし2人で将棋打ってるとこで俺は死んだ ネコチュール回も杏子殿の得意分野が活かされつつ魔女全員で問題解決するパーフェクトエピソードで好きだ 



二瓶さんは呪織布を扱う布屋を営む平和な魔女だ 製品性能の実演でチェンソーで切りつけるし散弾銃をぶっ放すワイルドさも併せ持っている エドナ? 使い魔も可愛い 俺は刺青入りの網走脱獄囚で勃起勃起うるさい方の二瓶さんも好きなので二瓶さんという苗字に何かと縁がある

ハッキリ言ってこの作品に出てくる魔女は全員タイプが違うのにかわいいし美しいし良いやつだ 俺も魔女になりたい なっていいか? 魔法の解釈とかも上手いのでそういうところも楽しめるし日常の描写がうますぎる 貴様も今すぐ読んでこい


ふらいんぐうぃっち - 石塚千尋 / 【第1話】6年振りの不思議 | マガポケ

いつの間にか新刊出てて驚いた 明日買う


石塚千尋 on Twitter: "オフの日の犬養さん https://t.co/24sBVlNR8w" / Twitter

作者のTwitterでイラストもみろ... 平和だ


This is my favorite manga. This manga is peaceful, so characters in this one is really good person and this work is wholesome book that children can read in safety. In addition, this work has overflowing with love for Aomori.

The story is about daily life of witches who are living in today. There isn’t barbaric acts like a fight. The good people are living happy, everyday, but it’s extraordinary days with magic involved. Just seeing them like that soothes my heart and makes me cry somehow. I like all characters in this work, but I write about two characters because when I wrote about all characters, its text was too long.

Anzu Shiina is a peaceful witch who goes to school at Yokohama from Aomori. She can use the different space to go to school and see a ghost. I like episodes related her mother's cafe, so I was excited for episode of Okada and I was dead because I saw they playing shogi. Also I like the episode of cat god, because it’s perfect episode that all witches work together to solve the problem.

Nihei-san is a peaceful witch who runs a cloth shop that handles cloth put a spell. She's also wild, so she cuts up clothes with a chainsaw and blasts shotguns during a product performance demonstration. Edna? Her familiar is also cute. I am related to the surname Nihei. Because I like Nihei-san who is loud to shout, "boner", the tattooed, retired prison escapee, too.

To be clear, all the witches in this work are cute, beautiful and good girls, even though they are all different types. I want to be a witch too. Can I be a witch? The interpretation of magic is also well done, so you can enjoy it, and the description of daily life is too good. You must read it right now.



Because she is from a special family. 理由抜け

The episode of Okada got me excited and I died reading the scene where they were playing shogi. 岡田殿








