
奇しくも私のそれは左鉤突きから始まった それとはつまりー

俺はiPhone14を買った I bought iPhone 14.




俺はiPhone14を買った 今までずっとiPhone8だったが流石に限界を迎えたからだ バッテリーの減りがとにかくヤバい 朝家出て夕方にはお亡くなりだ 俺は衝動的に買わないと2年は先延ばしにすることが目に見えていたので速攻予約してショップに行った 契約内容とか諸々はよくわからんのでひたすら頷いてたら買えた 

店員ネキはすごいのでタブレット端末逆画面でもどんどん作業を進めてくしフィルムを貼るのがありえんほど上手い これ見てて大丈夫っすかね プレッシャーやばくないっすか って聞いたら 何百回もやってるんで全然見てて大丈夫ですよ 言われて プロやな──となってた マジでずっと見てたがあれは手数料1000円払う価値ありだ 絶対自分じゃできないし終始店長のニコニコが止まらない あと未だに体験コーナーでアングリーバードができて面白かった 貴様も今すぐ携帯を買い替えろ







I bought iPhone 14. I have used iPhone 8 for a long time, but it’s almost dead. Battery life is so bad. I leave home at morning and it’s dead at evening. If I don't buy on impulse, I put it off for two years. So firstly, I reserved buying and went to the store. I just nodded my head and could buy it, because I couldn’t understand contents of contract perfectly.

The store clerk is the true lady and amazing that can work with tablet devices in reverse screen and is unbelievably good at applying film.

It's okay to watch this? Isn't the pressure too much?

I asked her.

I done it hundreds of times, so it's totally safe to watch.

She said that.

I thought that she was a professional.

Seriously, I've been keeping watching it for a while, and that was worth the $1,000 fee. I can’t do it absolutely and the store owner was smiling the whole time. And I enjoyed being able to play Angry Birds at Experience Both. You must buy iPhone 14.

Now I’m writing this text on iPhone 14. So I'm making a lot of typos because keyboard size changed, and I’m impressed by display’s performance.



I didn't know much about the contract and all that, so I just nodded my head and bought it. 文意的にこっち



On impulse…衝動買い

Nod one’s head…頷く

Store clerk…店員

The whole time…終始