
奇しくも私のそれは左鉤突きから始まった それとはつまりー

【美味しくなかったら全額返金】俺は油そば鈴の木に行った -the strange Aburasoba experience-




俺は油そば中毒者だ 3日連続昼飯は油そばだし今日の夕餉も油そばだ この記事を書いてる今も油そばを食べたい衝動に駆られる しゃぶしゃぶよりもシャブシャブだ そんなこんなな近況なので俺は鈴の木に行った 悪いインターネットで散々擦り倒されてて気になったからだ 池袋の知人に会いに行く用事もあったのでちょうどよかったのもある 以下感想

外装がもうあれだ 初めてジョジョを読んだ時の感覚だ 初めてきたのにめちゃくちゃ知ってるあの感じだ 店内に入ると例の社長がいた 五条悟みたいなグラサンはかけてなかった 強面なご尊顔であられるのであのコミカルなグラサンの偉大さがわかった かき混ぜ号令は3回ぐらい言われた 実際よくかき混ぜるのは大切だ かき混ぜた分だけ美味くなる 味は美味かった シンプルに美味かった 確かに新感覚の味だし今までにない油そばだった 注意点があるとすれば結構辛いことだ マイルドな辛さを想像してるとちょっとビビると思う それでも舌がやられたり汗ダラダラになるレベルの辛さではない 特別辛さに抵抗がなければ美味しく頂けるだろう 最悪辛かったらマヨ投入でマイルドにすることもできる ティッシュは結局見つけられなかった 内装は綺麗なのでそこも良かった

...つまり総じて普通の個性的な油そば屋だ 機会があったらまた行きたい 若干駅から歩くのだけネックだが道中には日車さんのいた劇場もある 死滅回游編を読んでる貴様らは聖地巡礼がてら行ってみるのをおすすめする






I'm an Aburasoba addict. Three-days in a row, I've had abura soba for lunch, and tonight's dinner was abura soba, too. Even as I write this article, I'm getting the urge to eat abura soba. It is more addictive than those drugs. Such is the state of affairs these days, so I went to Suzu no Ki, such as Japanese abura soba restaurant. The reason I was curious was because of the many references to the topic all over the bad internet. I also had to go see an acquaintance in Ikebukuro, so it was perfect for me. Here are my impressions.

The exterior was already like that. It's the feeling you get when you read Jojo for the first time. It was the first time I came here, and yet I knew so much about it. When I entered the restaurant, I saw the president of the company. He wasn't wearing a sunglasses like Satoru Gojo. He had a strong face so I could see the greatness of that comical sunglasses. The stirring order was given about three times. In fact, it is important to stir well if you want to eat it in delicious. The more you stir, the better it tastes.

It tasted good. It was simply delicious. It was certainly a new taste, and it was unlike any other abura soba I had ever tasted. One thing to note is that it is quite spicy. If you are expecting mild spiciness, you will be a little scared. Still, it is not at the level of spiciness that makes one's tongue burn or sweat. If you don't have a problem with spiciness, you can enjoy it. If it is spicy in the worst case, it can be made milder by adding mayonnaise. I could not find any tissues. The interior is clean, which is good.

... In other words, it's just a regular, unique restaurant. I'd go there again if I had the chance. The only problem is that it is a little far from the station, but on the way there is the theater where Mr. Higuruma used to be. I recommend you who read the episodes of Culling Game to go there to make a pilgrimage to the holy place.



油そばの英訳はOiled Ramen Noodles か Aburasoba らしいがあんまOiledって感じもしないので後者を採用 Soupless Noodleという表現もあるらしい 面白い




Here are…以下
