
奇しくも私のそれは左鉤突きから始まった それとはつまりー

平日昼からスシロー行って酒飲んだ Drinking alcohol during the daytime on weekdays is awesome.




俺は回転寿司しか行けない 俺は石油王なので回らない寿司屋も行けるが生魚が食えない 一回大トロの炙りを頼んでマジでいいんすかって言われて以来行ってない 刺身も炙って食ってる だから回転寿司は大好きだ 炙りもサイドメニューも充実している 炙りサーモンとラーメンを注文してやった アナゴさんと唐揚げも頼んだ 調子にのって酒も頼んだ 俺はキッズなのでビールは苦すぎて飲めないしワインは濃すぎて咽せた 酒にも弱いのでほろ酔いと格闘している だから俺は外で酒を頼むときは入念に知恵袋でリサーチする その結果...何もわからなかったので甘そうなサワー頼んだ ハッキリいって酒はすごい ああ酔ってるなと脳で理解しながらもどんどん気分が高揚してくる 俺は今ウハウハでこの文を書いているが朝起きたらあまりの酷さに倒れるかもしれないので今ここで出しておく お前も今すぐスシローに行って酒を飲め


 I can only go to a conveyor belt sushi. I'm oil king, so I can go to a unrevolving sushi. But, I can't eat fresh fish. I haven't been to it since the sushi chef tells me that, when I ordered a roasted fattiest portion of tuna, "Can I seriously roast it, OK?" Also I eat a sashimi by roasting it. So I love a conveyor belt sushi that its menu is extensive like roasted ones and fried ones. I did order a roasted salmon and a ramen. Also I ordered Mr.Sea eel and fried chicken. Because I got carried away, I ordered alcohol. I'm kids so I can't drink beer that is too bitter for me and wine that is too strong for me. I'm not a big drinker so I fight Tipsy. The reason why I research to use google when I drink at eating establishment. Of course I did it in this. The result was........ unknown so I ordered alcohol to seem sweet. To be clear, alcohol drinks are so awesome. Just you drink it, your tension is high. I'm writing this sentence in a high, but I'm submitting it here and now because I might collapse when I wake up in the morning because it might be so bad. You must go to a conveyor belt sushi and order alcohol right now.



I don't like raw fish. やっぱ酔ってるときに書くもんじゃねぇ

So when I go out and order a drink, I carefully research on the Internet. As a result... I didn't get a new knowledge of it, so I ordered a sour that looked sweet. 全体的に色々間違えてたので文意通りに訂正 

My brain understands that I'm drunk, but I'm feeling more and more uplifted. 酔いのくだり文意通り



during the daytime...昼間

conveyor belt sushi...回転寿司

fattiest portion of tuna...大トロ



Sea eel...アナゴ

get carried away...調子に乗る

a big drinker...酒飲み




To be clear...ハッキリ言って
